
    Everything You Need To Know About Aurora, FaB TCG’s Latest Elemental Runeblade

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    This guest article is written by Kyle Lantion, a veteran Flesh and Blood TCG player and judge. He will make a series of guides to help players choose and learn the Heroes from Rosetta, Flesh and Blood TCG’s newest set.

    With the release of Rosetta, the Flesh and Blood TCG sees the rise of several new heroes. In the last article, we introduced the classes and talents focused on this set, and today, we are going into more depth with each hero. In the following articles, we will talk about the basic gameplay, win conditions, and weaknesses of each Elemental hero. Let’s kick things off with Aurora, Shooting Star!

    What’s Her Playstyle?

    Like Briar, the Elemental Runeblade before her, Aurora hits the table with lightning-fast attacks and combat tricks. Whoever said lightning never strikes the same place twice clearly met this Lightning Runeblade. Aurora wants to overwhelm her opponents by spamming free or low-cost attack actions with Go Again and profit by threatening on-hit effects such as Burn Up// Shock or draw effects with Snatch or Channel Lightning Valley.

    In addition to her speedy flurry of attacks, she has many Instant speed effects under her belt to supplement the game plan. Her hero ability allows her to either bank an Embodiment of Lightning to give an attack go again next turn, or she can create one mid-chain to keep the onslaught going. This works exceptionally well for cards that don’t have to go again, like Snatch. It works for cards like Enlightened Strike, wherein you no longer need to choose the go again option but can buff it or draw a card instead.

    She can be tricky with her attacks as well by utilizing Electromagnetic Somersault to bounce an attack once it’s done attacking to hit with it once more or be cheeky with Gone in a Flash by bouncing it back to hand with an instant to use in the same turn or arsenal it for a future wave of attacks. Aurora has been jokingly referred to as “Lightning Fai,” but I can assure you, this Runeblade brings more than just multiple chain links to the table!

    She’s a Runeblade at her core at the end of the day, which means she can access Arcane damage and her physical attacks. Be it from Runechants or card effects that deal Arcane damage on hit or on the attack; she’s sure to deal damage one way or another. She can keep a chain going for as long as she wants, and with draw effects, she can quickly pile on a lot of damage. 

    How Does She Win?

    If you overwhelm your opponent with lots of attacks and a relentless onslaught, then she has several tempo-taking plays you can do. Aurora’s specialization, Arc Lightning, allows you to deal one arcane damage every time you go again. What does this mean? It means you tack on 1 point of extra damage just by spamming attacks and cards with go again. That goes for all instances of Go Again, not just attack actions. It’s this split damage output that reminds people that Aurora is still ultimately a Runeblade.

    Does She Have Any Weaknesses?

    While Aurora is undoubtedly a strong pick, she has her share of weaknesses. Much like other aggro decks, she is punished for not blocking with on-hit effects and disruptions. Cards like Command and Conquer, Felling of the Crown, Plow Under, Send Packing, and Erase Face can severely hinder Aurora’s game plan. She also loses to decks that can either out-sustain or out-aggro her, so be wary of Kayo, Victor, and Verdance. Utilize your Electromagnetic Somersaults and instants to circumvent her weaknesses effectively.

    If you like multiple attacks and are tricky with damage, why not try Aurora? She has a little learning curve, but it is gratifying once you get the hang of her deck.

    Kyle will be making more guides for the Rosetta Heroes in the future! Check out his article below to see which one is right for you!

    Read More:

    Who Is The Right Rosetta Hero For You? – VRSUS


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