
    World Record RTN – The Unbox Flesh and Blood Story

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    With the Road to Nationals season wrapping up last weekend, we want to look back at one of the most memorable. The Philippine Flesh and Blood Community just made history! Unbox Road to Nationals last February 8, 2025 saw 128 registered players; making it the biggest Road to Nationals in the world! This amazing feat was not by any means an easy one. This RTN is the culmination of the combined efforts of Unbox owner, Carlo Ople, his team, and the countless players who love to support their community (of which this event would not be possible without).

    The Flesh and Blood of the Community

    There are countless LGS owners and community heads who strive to reach the very same heights that Unbox has reached. While it is commendable and truly a sight to behold, one must never forget that, at the end of the day, the players and members of the community are the true driving force of any hobby.

    Carlo Ople, the owner of Unbox and member of team Unbox, kept this in mind when organizing the record-breaking Road to Nationals event. The entrance fee for RTN Unbox was only 300 Pesos, making it the most affordable RTN this season. Thanks to the low registration fee, players were incentivized to register for their shot at Nationals.

    Not only did Unbox fill up the player cap of 128, they even ensured that everyone walked away with something that day. The first 64 registered players had a choice between a foil promo card or a mystery pack containing a foil Rare or Mythic (one pack even had a legendary) and a GEM pack. Everyone else got a mytery pack and a GEM pack!

    This event would not have been possible without the incredible community and community-building skills of Unbox. The LGS has come a long way from their humble beginings a few years ago and now stands as one of the top Flesh and Blood LGS. With the rousing success of the event, there’s no doubt that Carlo Ople and Unbox are exemplary pillars of the community.

    A Fierce Battle

    With 128 competitors, you can bet the battle for the top was long ang hard-fought. The day kicked off with 7 rounds of swiss followed by playoffs for the top 8 players at night. After 7 rounds, eight players stood at the top of the heap. Most notable was the presence of a certain lightning wizard who climbed the ranks to fight National Champion, Justin Cu!

    At the end of it all, Justin Cu on Nuu, Alluring Desire managed to snatch the crown and become the champion of this record-setting RTN. His competitor was none other than Jomari Panginiban who brought an unlikely challnger, Oscillio! The battles that day were electric and intense. Truly a Road to Nationals for the history books.

    Want more exciting events to check out? Here are some that you can still catch.

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