
    Riot Actually Listens to Players: Hextech Chests are Back!

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    In recent news, Riot came under fire after the removal of Hextech Chests and other free loot. This led to players spamming every single Riot account on the internet with Hextech Chest memes. Hearing public outcry, Riot has now annnounced the return of chests.

    Back but Not Better than Ever

    While Riot has indeed returned chests, it’s not the same as back then. While it is a step in the right direction, it’s not an outright fix. Players can now earn 10 free chests and keys per act. Starting in patch 25.05, the changes are going to be rolled out to live servers.

    The 10 free Hextech Chests are going to be split among different ways to earn them. You’ll earn 8 free ones from the free battle pass and 2 from honor rewards. Adittionally, the 8 chests are now going to replace the free battle pass skin. While this isn’t out of brand (Riot really doesn’t like free things), it’s kind of unfortunate.

    With that all said, we have more updates as well. Sadly, none of them are about the free champion capsules and honor orbs.

    Free Shopping Once Again

    Aside from the public backlash Riot recieved from Hextech Chest removal, they were also recieving a lot of pressure for removing the Shop and Blue Essence Emporium. That’s why, starting in patch 25.06, your Shop is returning regularly. Players can once again enjoy having discounted skins available to them. In patch 25.07, the Blue Essence emporium is also coming back.

    Honestly, this is very well timed on Riot’s part. Especially since they’re improving on the free battle pass rewards. For Act 2, they’re adding more free tiers and replacing some of the paid tiers with better rewards. That just means that players who are f2p can enjoy more rewards for spending time in the game.

    These changes just go to show that players cannot be ignored by the company. Hopefully, this is a step in the right direction and a sign of better things to come. Now if only they stopped with the 250 Dollar Exalted gacha skins.

    For a complete dev update and more info, check out the officially published article here.

    Want more updates and why Riot had to do these changes? Check out these articles when you’re done.

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