
    The realme Mobile Legends Cup Grand Finals Press Conference: Big Statements From Gamerpact, Minerva, and Falcons AP Bren

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    The press conference for the upcoming realme Mobile Legends Cup (RMC) Grand Finals showcased the two best teams in the amateur division out of the 155 teams that battled throughout the last two months – Gamerpact Esports and Minerva Esports. As an added treat, it also welcomes back realme’s partner esports team – Falcons AP Bren, fresh from their MLBB Mid Season Cup 2nd place finish in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, who will also have a show match against Team All-Stars at the RMC Grand Finals.

    The conference is also a great time to showcase the GT 6 – realme’s latest flagship killer and official phone of the RMC Grand Finals, and get some practical perspective regarding its gaming performance from some of Mobile Legends’ (ML) best players.

    The conference started with opening remarks about realme’s continued commitment to developing a mobile esports league where aspiring players can pursue their dreams of playing ML professionally.

    This was followed by introductions from two of the official partners of the realme Mobile Legends Cup. Home Credit, its official installment partner, helps players get access to affordable, quality phones for mobile gaming like the GT 6, while Hybreed, its official merch partner, states its commitment to providing quality apparel that best represents each of the participating teams. RMC has two more official partners: Gong cha, their official beverage partner, and Steelseries, their official gaming gear partner.

    realme Mobile Legends Cup Grand Finals – Gamerpact Esports

    The first team up on stage is Gamerpact Esports, which is made up of Aezu, Starboy, Teddyqt, BRCD, Kram, and Dameon. A number of questions were asked to them about how they keep the team together through thick or thin, especially with the occasional member underperforming. They answered that they put their camaraderie at the forefront and think that forming strong bonds with their teammates is of utmost importance. They also cited how good communication is key during those tough times and that a good brainstorming session usually sorts things out.

    The team was also asked about how they balance their esports careers with their education. Most of the team have temporarily put their academics on hold to maximize this opportunity. However, they share the same opinion that proper time management back when they were studying allowed them to do their academics while still being able to practice and improve their skills in the game.

    When asked about the realme GT 6, they all agreed – the phone is unanimous 10 out of 10. The players cited that they didn’t need any adjustment when they used it and performed great out of the box. A particular highlight they liked is the smoothness of the 120hz display and the convenience of its fast charging capability.

    They closed their session by wishing their opponents the best of luck, citing that the match on Saturday would be their payback and that Minerva should be prepared for a huge, intense battle. Finally, Gamerpact thanked realme for helping aspiring players like them fulfill their dreams.

    realme Mobile Legends Cup Grand Finals – Minerva Esports

    Fresh from some light banter from their rivals, the 5-man team of Minerva Esports – Gelo, Leix, Noisaa, Luwi, and Karasu took to the stage. They’re a relatively new team that started playing during the pandemic. Despite their seemingly more confident personalities, when asked about their chances in the RMC Grand Finals, they still consider it a 50/50, acknowledging the skill of Gamerpact.

    When asked about handling the tough times in competition, most of Minerva’s players look up to Karasu as he’s considered the most mature on the roster. They also attribute their success to being able to focus entirely on the game once the match starts and constantly having a strong, winning mindset. Finally, they also always pray for their success.

    The team also revealed a strict training regiment that rivals some professional ML teams – practice from 10 am – 8 pm with multiple breaks in between, then dedicating the remaining hours of the day until early morning to tournament play. They also said joining the RMC has motivated them, mainly because of the generous prize pool and the potential to be scouted and join the Mobile Legends Professional League.

    For now, though, their immediate goal is to dominate the amateur circuit by consistently racking up championships. In a strong display of camaraderie, the team firmly stated that their dream is to rise up the ranks of professional ML together, with nobody left behind. As a bit of a fun tidbit, when asked who spends the most on ML skins, the team pointed to Noisaa, but Karasu spends the most on skin care.

    As for their thoughts on the GT 6, the members unanimously agreed that the smoothness of the gameplay experience was its best feature – no lags, throttling, or heating problems. They then thanked realme for all the opportunities and incredible experiences they’ve had in their RMC run.

    They concluded their session by wishing their opponents good luck as well, saying they’d be giving it their all. In one last banter, they advised the opposing jungler to freshen up before the finals match.

    realme Mobile Legends Cup Grand Finals – Falcons AP Bren

    Closing out the press conference was one of ML’s most celebrated teams, and realme partner Falcons AP Bren, the M5 World Champions. They just returned from getting a 2nd Place finish and bagging $500,000 at this year’s MLBB Mid Season Cup held in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

    When asked what’s next for them after the MSC, the team’s answer is simple – get into M6. They aim to bring a new kind of hype and a new personality upon their return and get their fans excited.

    When asked about their MSC experience, the team answered that it was a good one -they enjoyed their stay and felt they were part of the Esports World Cup (EWC). They also added that Riyadh felt like home because of the number of Pinoys who came to cheer for them and that it got them excited. Thanks to that and the abundance of Filipino food and restaurants in the area, they never felt homesick at all!

    realme Mobile Legends Cup

    The topic turned to their upcoming show match against Team All-Stars at the realme Mobile Legends Cup Grand Finals this weekend. While they think their opponent is strong, they also have something special saved up for the occasion, and we’ll have to tune in on the day itself to see what it is.

    Moving forward, they aim to get back into the grind to get that number one spot again. While Malaysia may have won this time around, the team still believes that the Philippines is still the strongest going into M6. As for their immediate tournaments, they already have a couple lined up – the ESL Snapdragon tournament in Malaysia and the Rise of the Legends tournament in Khazakstan.

    Falcons AP Bren was asked if they had any advice for the two teams in the realme Mobile Legends Cup Grand Finals.

    “Bring your A game. Go with your game plan. Don’t give in to the pressure.”

    The team was then asked about the difficulties of playing live on-stage and how they handled it. They described the process as going into the zone – where they tune out the audience, focus on their teammates and the game, and, most importantly, not overthink.

    As for their thoughts on their official phone, the GT 6, coach Ducky enthusiastically pointed out that he was very impressed with the camera. The rest of the team said they love the long battery life and smooth ML gameplay.

    “Maganda, bili na kayo! (It’s beautiful; go buy one!)” they concluded. They thanked all of their fans for their unwavering support, realme for supporting the amateur ML scene, and they’re coming back to win everything.

    Everything Changes This Saturday

    And with that, the stage is set for the realme Mobile Legends Cup Grand Finals on Saturday at 1 pm at the Glorietta Activity Center! Gamerpact and Minerva have a lot riding on the line, as the victor not only wins PHP 500,000 in cash plus other prizes but will also put themselves one step closer to realizing their dreams as future professional ML esports athletes.

    You can watch all their legendary battles unfold on Saturday at the RMC Grand Finals Official Livestream!

    Curious about RMC’s official phone, the GT 6? Check out our review below!

    Read More:

    The Realme GT 6 Checks All The Right Boxes Of A “Gaming Phone” And More


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